Tuesday 15 May 2012

Study Tip: Past Papers are a Studiers Best Friend

Hello there!

For those of you here in Scotland you will probably be aware that it is currently exam time. I have no motivation at all to study just now considering my next exam isn't for another 2 weeks and I have an unconditional place at university. However, I have managed to force myself to study a little over the past couple of weeks and I have found a method of studying which seems to work quite well.

image: weheartit.com

I've always been told that the best way to study is to use past papers. For that reason, I have bought past papers for all of my subjects every year. SQA Past Papers are published by BrightRed and are available to buy online or can be downloaded from the SQA website here.

I have spent the past two years working through the questions and boring myself half to death and I'm still not convinced that that was the best way to study. This year I decided to mix things up a little and find a better way. Here's the method I have found to be useful.

First, I divide the paper into sections. For example, in this past paper, the first section would be question 1 of the 'Crime & Punishment' section, the second section would be question 2 and the third question 3.

Next, I answer the questions in the first section. For the first couple of papers I may use notes or a textbook for help but I will then go on to doing the questions without help.

Then, using the marking scheme, which is also available on the SQA website, I mark my answers.

Lastly, I use the marking scheme to create note cards for each question.

Then I do it all again for the next section.

I find this method helpful because not only are you answering the question, you're learning the correct answer.

Hopefully someone found this helpful.

Sophie :)

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